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Showing posts from August, 2013

Webpage has the Title I gave!

After writing the opening and closing html tags, the first element we are going to focus on is the " TITLE " tag which displays the name or title of the html document . This is the name that appears on the top most of the web browser on the titlebar . It is used very similar to the "html tag"; an opening tag and a closing tag and the content or the text to be displayed goes between the tags like: <title>Name of page</title> Here's a simple test code: ( Use this code to see if title bar displays the title of the page correctly.) <html> <title> My page has a title </title> <html> Note:   Copy the test code to the editor and save it with any filename with extention '.html' or '.htm' to make it working on the browser. Right click the page and choose open with : browser name( internet explorer, firefox, google chrome ) and you will see the title of the page on top.

Start with Basics!

Now that we have got everything ready lets start with our part! An html page is just like another document that you keep in your official files packed and stuffed! And having said that, it also consists of defined elements to describe the structure of the document like, it has a heading, a page title, few paragraphs, etc. I HOPE YOU GOT THE IDEA.  Now likewise, these elements form the layout of the page in an HTML document also and they have a fixed syntax on HOW  and WHERE they need to be placed. The html elements are always written with the angle brackets " < "   and " > " for the web browser to understand and distinguish between html elements and the text wrapped in them. In html terminology these angle bracketed elements are called TAGS* .  Most of the times these tags exist in pairs, i.e. opening and closing tags to be specific. The content is wrapped between these pair of tags in order to apply the properties and behaviour of that specific eleme...

Where do you need to start?

Web is all about presentation of varied textual and graphical elements along with the beautification, animation & effects to enhance its visibility . Web is based on various languages typically as html, php, ajax etc. But, the most important and genuine hands behind web development is laid by the Hypertext Markup Language abbreviated as HTML . Writing html code is not a big deal with constant practice and easy understanding. So, lets just start with our journey into the world of Web designing / development with few basic necessities: What do you need ? 1. A text editor (even as simple as Notepad ) 2. A working system 3. Specially You ! Seriously that's all you need. You can also checkout few of the other text editors mentioned but if you are using one. You are good to go with it. Few of the popular ones are : Notepad++ Sublime text Adobe Dreamweaver (paid) Coffee cup Komodo edit Netbeans Apatana Studio     These are few of the most widely...

What is WWW or World Wide Web?

Hello everyone !  Artoves WebArt  provide all the basic learning for the   web designing / development   step by step by introducing tools and new techniques to help you build  better web experience . To start with Web Designing / Development first a brief introduction of  Web*  is shared with you and then it carries on to learning the procedures. The   World Wide Web  (abbreviated as  WWW  or  W3 , commonly known as the Web, or the " Information Superhighway "),   is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet . With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia, and navigate between them via  hyperlinks* . Using concepts from his earlier   hypertext systems  like ENQUIRE, Britis h engineer and computer scientist  Sir Tim Berners-Lee , now Director of the  World Wide Web Consortium   ( W3C ), wrote a ...