After writing the opening and closing html tags, the first element we are going to focus on is the " TITLE " tag which displays the name or title of the html document . This is the name that appears on the top most of the web browser on the titlebar . It is used very similar to the "html tag"; an opening tag and a closing tag and the content or the text to be displayed goes between the tags like: <title>Name of page</title> Here's a simple test code: ( Use this code to see if title bar displays the title of the page correctly.) <html> <title> My page has a title </title> <html> Note: Copy the test code to the editor and save it with any filename with extention '.html' or '.htm' to make it working on the browser. Right click the page and choose open with : browser name( internet explorer, firefox, google chrome ) and you will see the title of the page on top.
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