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Showing posts from June, 2014

Hello World in C!

C is considered to be the most robust programming language. It is the mother of all modern programming languages. It still has it roots fixed deep even after 45 years of existence. C is one of the fastest programming languages and because of its relationship with the lower level of the computer architecture, it can process data nearly as fast as the hardware components itself. Learning C language is a major step in learning computer programming as a whole. Though C is a relatively small language, its rather important to understand the basic technicalities of the language. In order to dip your toes in the water, let's start with the trivial "HELLO WORLD" program. Test Code : ( Use this code to display Hello World! in the console ) #include<stdio.h> int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {    printf("%s\n", "Hello, World!");    return 0; } NOTE:  Don't worry about anything else you see on the screen just

How to open any installed application on MAC OS X using Terminal !

MAC OS X 10.9 is one of the finest operating systems used in the business as well as household purposes. Considering the unix side of the operating system, it becomes beneficial to be able to do trivial stuff like opening any app directly from the command line interface, i.e. Terminal in this case. There are a lot of other uses that a utility like terminal can offer you but for the instant purpose, let us find out how to open any of the installed applications on your MACINTOSH using the terminal. I will be working with few of the application I have installed on my system. You are free to choose your own. The general syntax for the command is : open -a application_name If you want to open the application as a super user, just prefix the command with sudo : sudo open -a application_name Test commands : (Use these commands one-by-one to open the specified applications) open -a textmate open -a bbedit open -a firefox open -a opera open -a finder open -a mail Watc

Hello World in PHP!

PHP is one of the most powerful languages of the web. PHP is an application server as well as a programming language that has the capability to do loads of stuff like generate dynamic HTML, connect to databases, apply programming logic to the website code, server side scripting, form handling etc. It is one of the most widely used scripting languages. In order to get it running, you will need to have a basic setup preconfigured which we'll cover later in the course. Just to give you all a head's up, we will start with the trivial "HELLO WORLD" program. Test Code : ( Use this code to display Hello World! in the console ) <?php echo "Hello, World!"; ?> NOTE:  Don't worry about anything else you see on the screen just focus on the code and rest will be discussed later in the tutorials. Save the file as " H ello.php " in the DOCUMENT ROOT of your web-server; for XAMPP users like me its the HTDOCS folder in the installat

Hello world in Java!

Java is one of the most commonly used programming languages in the world today. Most of the work you can ever think in the world of programming can be done using Java Programming. Java is used to program everything from small devices to heavy machines. Everything from your Smartphone to your ATM card is somehow supported by Java behind the scenes. In order to learn Java which you might have also heard as of the most popular Object oriented Programming language of the modern times, we must start with the trivial "HELLO WORLD" program. Test Code : ( Use this code to display Hello World! in the console ) public class Hello {     public static void main ( String args[] ) {         System.out.println( "Hello, World!" );     } } NOTE:  Don't worry about anything else you see on the screen just focus on the code and rest will be discussed later in the tutorials. Save the file as " H " ,  the .java extension defines t

Hello World in C++!

C++ is one of the most widely used languages  in the world. It is a fast and fluild object oriented successor of the C language which has its ground even after 40 years. Learning C and C++ is one of the major steps in walking through the road of programming. As its a tradition to write the first program in any language as the "HELLO WORLD" program, we'll do exactly that today. Test Code : ( Use this code to display Hello World! in the console ) #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() {     cout << "Hello world!" << endl;     cout << "I am getting the program to work just fine" << endl;     return 0; }   NOTE: Don't worry about anything else you see on the screen just focus on the code and rest will be discussed later in the tutorials. Save the file as " helloworld.cpp " , the .cpp extension defines that its a C++ file and you'll be good to go. Watch the video below for mor