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Hello world in Java!

Java is one of the most commonly used programming languages in the world today. Most of the work you can ever think in the world of programming can be done using Java Programming. Java is used to program everything from small devices to heavy machines. Everything from your Smartphone to your ATM card is somehow supported by Java behind the scenes. In order to learn Java which you might have also heard as of the most popular Object oriented Programming language of the modern times, we must start with the trivial "HELLO WORLD" program.

Test Code : ( Use this code to display Hello World! in the console )

public class Hello {
    public static void main ( String args[] ) {
        System.out.println( "Hello, World!" );

NOTE: Don't worry about anything else you see on the screen just focus on the code and rest will be discussed later in the tutorials.
Save the file as ""the .java extension defines that its a Java file and you'll be good to go.

Watch the video below for more.


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